We have two entities in Contract Type.They are 1.Manage Contract Type 2.Create Contract TypeContract Type is used to store the information of different types of contracts.
Manage Contract Type:
In Manage contract Type users are able to view, edit all the existing contract type details.All Contract Types created by user are displayed in this grid.
Columns displayed in Manage contract Type are as follows:
2. Contract Type
3. Description
4. Contract Template
5.Custom Field Form
5.Status (Active/Inactive)
Create Contract Type
User can create a Contract Type by entering details Create Contract Type screen.following are the fields displayed in Create contract Type Screen.
type screen displays the list of all existing contract types. To view the manage screen, click on Contract Type link in the menu. In the Manage contract type screen, click on Create button to create a new contract type, click on Edit button to update an existing record, click on delete button to delete the record.
Create Contract Type
To create a new contract Type:
- Click on the Create button
- Description
- Contract Template drop down
- Custom Field Form
- Active check box
On input of all the above fields,click on create button,a success message displayed stating" successfully created Contract Type".and the same is displayed in Manage contract Type grid.