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CMx provides inbuilt Electronic Signature support, follow the below process to send a PDF OR DOC or DOCX files for signature one at a time. 


Package:  A Signature Package is a set of documents sent to one or more recipients for electronic signature.

Status: Prior to signature , status of a document is either created or pending. After Signature it becomes Signed or Executed.

Manage Signature Packages

From the left navigation menu , click on Signature menu option  to start the send signature process.


of the documents in the package.

Starting Signature Process

From the top right section, click on New button to send a new PDF document for signature. In the first screen of prepare for signature , select the PDF document that should be sent for signature by clicking on the Choose button. Once the selection of the document is made,  Click on Upload button so that the document is uploaded to the server.  In the next step , add the recipients who should be signing the document. 


A new signature package record is created and should be visible in the Manage Signature Packages screen:

Signing Ceremony by Recipients

Each recipient receive an email which looks similar as below:
