Steps to create Custom Field Form:
- Click on “Custom Filed Form” in the left side of navigation menu.
- In “Home >> Manage Contract Templates” page, click on “Create Custom Filed Form”.
- User enters Name and description
- User drags and drops and designs the required custom field form.
- User clicks on the and provide the label name.
- Note: White spaces are not supported in custom field names for generate contract annotations. For example: "Billing Rate" is not supported. Correct field name is: "BillingRate"
- User enters Name and description
- Verify that the CustomFieldForm is created successfully.
Steps to Edit Custom Field Form:
- In “Home >> Manage Custom Field Form” page, user enters custom field form name in search box
- User clicks on the Delete icon
- User clicks on confirm button to delete the custom field form
- Verify that the Custom Field Form is deleted successfully