- By clicking on Contract Number on Manage Contract Page grid, various sub-options appear.
- To Create a new word file to attach to the contract as document user can select Quick Create
- Document from the sub-options.
After clicking on
the Quick Create Document option the following screen appears and the user can create a new word file to add with existing contracts documents.
- User Can Select either create New Blank document for creating a new word document or can create a document from Template.
- After entering the data to into the word file, the user can save the file and close the word file. (user can save the file and can close the word file by clicking on the red x icon on the top right corner.)
- word file will be added to the contract document list with ".docx" extension type file.
- Click on Manage Contracts from the left navigation menu bar and the user can view the particular contract where New Word file is added in the documents tab.