Custom Field Form is a user defined form with multiple control definitions using a designer and a name. 

Click on Custom Field Form from menu,Manage Custom Field Form Page displays with following columns in the grid.

 Manage Custom Field Form 

 Search Field and show entries drop down on top of grid where user can input the custom field name and search.

  • Custom field name
  • Description
  • Status
  • Action(Edit/Delete)     

In Manage custom Field Form admin users can view, edit, delete all the existing custom field form and also create new custom field forms.


Create Custom Field Form

 Click on Create custom Field Form in the manage Custom Field Form page.Screen displays with following fields.

  • Custom Field Form Name *
  • Description
  • Custom Schema- with below section with 3 tabs: Designer , View and Code .
    Custom Field Form Designer with below Types in right most section
      Single line text or String
      Multi line text
      Drop Down Select
      Check box
      Radio Group Field

To Create new Custom Field Form:

  1. User enters custom field form name

  2. Drags and drops and designs the required custom field form.

  3. Clicks on settings of each control for further control level functions such as required field or not required field , field name etc. Saving the custom field form generates the json schema and saves it in db.

  4. User selects the contract types, for those selected contract types,the custom field forms will be displayed in the contract create/edit screen

  5. On Submit, custom field form is created in the system and displayed in the Manage Custom Fields Form grid.

 Edit Custom Fields Form

 To edit a existing Custom Fields Form 

  • Click on the Edit button in the manage screen
  • Custom Fields Form edit screen is displayed

  • Edit the required Filed
  • Click on Update button
  • Changes to the Custom Fields Form are updated in the system


 Delete Custom Fields Form

 To delete a existing Custom Fields Form: 

  • Click on the Delete button in the manage screen
  • A Message box is displayed for confirmation of delete action

  • Click the OK button in the displayed message box
  • Custom Fields Form record is deleted in the system

 Example Custom Field Creation Steps


Click on Custom Field form on the left navigation menu.

Provide and name, description for the custom field form. Drag and drop required custom fields.


(NOTE: White spaces are not supported in custom field names for generate contract annotations. For example : "Billing Rate" is not supported. Correct field name is: "BillingRate")


 Drag and drop a single line text from right to left section.



The new field will appear like above with label as "New text". Click on the second icon pointed by the red arrow and it will bring up the Options dialog screen.



Provide Label name without numbers or special characters or white spaces as above and click on Okay button.

Provided Label name should be visible above the custom field text as similar to below.



Add all the required single line text fields that you need following above steps.

Once done , Scroll all the way down and click on Create or Update button to save the custom field form.



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