g. Contract Templates

g. Contract Templates

Contract Template is the centralized area where all the template documents across the company can be stored and updated. The contract template is used in Generating Contract using CMx.

In this feature, a user can Manage and Create a Contract template.

Go to Contract Template from menu, Displays Manage contract Template page, where a user can see the following columns in a grid.

1.Template Name

2. Description



The user can see a Live Editor Icon, Update Icon Button, Delete action Button in the Manage Contract Template Page.

On click of "Create Contract Template" page displays with following fields, where the user must input values to create a new Contract template.

1.Contract Template name


3.Template Document attachment field

Input values in the above fields and click on "Create" button, Contract Template creates successfully and displays in Manage contract Template grid.

Example Contract Template Creation Steps 

Click on Contract Templates from the left navigation menu and then on Create Contract Template.

Enter a name and description for the contract template and browse for the MS Word document template created in Step1 and click on Create button.



Verify that the Contract Template is created successfully in the Manage Contract Template screen.

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