Special Terms and Conditions for the Contracts are stored in Clause Library.
Create Clause Library
To create a new Clause Library:
- User clicks on "Contract Clauses" on the left navigation menu and then clicks on "Clause Library"
- User clicks on "create Clause"
- User enters the Clause Name and Text and selects clause category.
- User Clicks on Create button
- New Clause Library is created in the system and navigates to the Manage screen, displaying the newly created Clause Library with success message
Edit Clause Library
To edit a existing Clause Library:
- User clicks on "Contract Clauses" on the left navigation menu and then clicks on "Clause Library"
- User enters the Clause Library name that needs to be edited in the search field.
- User clicks on the button in the manage screen and edits the required fields.
- User click on Update button and Changes to the Clause Library are updated in the system with a success message.
Delete Clause Library
To delete a existing Clause Library
- User clicks on "Contract Clauses" on the left navigation menu and then clicks on "Clause Library"
- User enters the Clause Library name that needs to be deleted in the search field.
- Click on the Delete button in the manage screen.
- A Message box is displayed for confirmation of delete action and user clicks on confirm button in the displayed message box.
- Clause Library record is deleted in the system.