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Using Generate Contract function, you can generate word documents from MS Word template embedded with custom field values (When required) with the click of a button and share it internally or externally within CMx.

See Quick Demonstration Video here:

Follow below setup for creating a word template and annotating the word template with replaceable values wherever required within the word document:

(1) Creating a Microsoft Word Template Document.

Download Here. (Note: This is a simple .docx file with annotations which is used as a master template document for generating further documents from it)

Note the annotations within ${}, these are the dynamic fields CMx replaces with actual values when generating the word contract document. For example ${ContractingParty}  refers to the party name with whom the contractual obligation is being made.

Reserved Keywords (NOT to use in Custom Field Names)

Reserved Field Name




Custom Field should not have this reserved word named Package.

Can use: Package Name

instead of just Package 


Can use: any of the annotations supported for date formats described in the table below.

For example :${Today}   or  ${TodayLong} or ${USDate} or ${UKDate}  or  ${TodayDateOnly}  or ${TodayMonthOnly}  or ${TodayYearOnly}

Annotating Commonly Used Fields

Field Name

Annotated Value in MS Word Template

Field Description

Today's Date/Current Date


Today's date in below format:


13 Nov 2017

Today's Date in Full Long Format


Today's date in full long format:


13 November 2017

Today's Date in US Date Format


Today's date in US Date format:




Today's Date in UK Date Format


Today's date in UK Date format:




Today's Date Only


Today's date (two digits) in number format



if today's date is 12th November 2017, this annotation returns the date value digit ie 12

Month Only


Part of today's representing current month 

Example: November

Year Only


Year only in YYYY format

Example : 2017

Annotating using Default Main Fields

By default CMx adds below properties into the generated document when embedded within the word template document:

Default Field Name

Annotated Value in MS Word Template

Default Field Description

Contract Number



Unique Number of the Contract used to identify or search the contract.

Contract Title


Title or Name of the Contract

Contract Type


Type of the Contract . For example : Services Agreement , Lease Agreement etc.

Contracting Party or Counter Party


Party for whom the contract is being prepared. It is the contracting party or counterparty who will sign the contract in the execution stage.

Contracting Party Company Code


Contracting Party Company Code i

Contracting Party Address (Multi Line)


Address of the contracting party in multi line format


Address Line 1,

Address Line 2,

City , State , Country ZipCode

Contracting Party Address (Single Line)


Address of contracting party in single line format

Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City , State , Country ZipCode

Contracting Party Address Address Line 1 ${ContractingPartyAddressLine1}

Address Line 1 text from first contracting party address, note there can be multiple contracting parties for a contract

Contracting Party Address Address Line 2${ContractingPartyAddressLine2}Address Line 2 text from first contracting party address, note there can be multiple contracting parties for a contract

Contracting Party Primary Contact Name


Contracting Party Primary Contact Name

Contracting Party Primary Contact Email


Contracting Party Primary Contact Email

Contracting Party Primary Contact Business Phone


Contracting Party Primary Contact Business Phone

Contracting Party Country


Contracting Party Country

Contracting Party City


Contracting Party City

Contracting Party State


Contracting Party State

Contracting Party Zip Code


Contracting Party Zip Code



Description of the contract.



Department name to which the contract belongs. For example Finance, Legal, Procurement, IT etc

Effective Date


Effective Start Date in MM/DD/YYYY (US Date Format) of the contract when the contract begins to be in effect. In other words: Live date of the contract.


Effective Start Date in DD/MM/YYYY (UK Date Format) of the contract when the contract begins to be in effect. In other words: Live date of the contract.


Long format of Effective Date

Example : 22 April 2020


Example :

April 22, 2020

Expiry Date


Expiry Date of the Contract in MM/DD/YYYY (US Date Format).


Expiry Date of the Contract in DD/MM/YYYY (UK Date Format).


Long format of Expiry Date

Example: 30 April 2020



April 30, 2020

Risk Level


Risk Level for the Contract. It can be High, Medium or Low.

Renewal Term


Renewal Term set for the contract.

Contract Value


Value of the Contract.


Supported for USD Only

Value of the Contract represented in words.

For example: If Contract Value is: 950008.98 , this annotation will generate below in words:

Nine Hundred Fifty Thousand Eight US Dollar And Ninety-eight Cents

Annotating using Custom Fields

Use below steps to annotate MS Word document using Custom Fields.

  • Create Custom Field Form in CMx without any white spaces.
  • Use the same exact field name (case sensitive) to annotate similar to default main fields above
    • For example, if the field name is: BillingRate, the annotated value in the template will be: ${BillingRate}

Note: Spaces and special characters are NOT allowed in custom field annotations, means no  ' and ô or any other special characters.

Supported Additional Template Fields

CMx adds below properties into the generated document when embedded within the word template document:

Field Name

Annotated Value in MS Word Template

Field Description

Tabular Data Tables

$[ @listVar.fieldn ]

where n = 1 to 15

Tabular Data Auto Generated from Generate Screen

For Example, if the field is [RateCard], Generate Contract Screen [RateCard] field takes semicolon; delimited values.


(1) Word Document Template Annotation:

(2) Generate Contract Screen:;Email;01/15/17-02/04/17;$4,000 each;200,000;$8,000.00;Display;01/16/17-02/05/17;$5,000 each;300,000;$9,000.00;Email;02/16/17-03/05/17;$5,000 each;100,000;$19,000.00

(3) Generated Contract Document:

And the Contract Generated will have the data in tabular format once annotated correctly.

(3) Generated Contract Document:

And the Contract Generated will have the data in tabular format once annotated correctly.

(2) Create Contract Template in CMx with the MS Word document annotated in Step 1.

Click on Contract Templates from the left navigation menu and then on Create Contract Template.

Enter a name and description for the contract template and browse for the MS Word document template created in Step1 and click on Create button.

Verify that the Contract Template is created successfully in the Manage Contract Template screen.

(3) Create Custom Field Form in CMx if there are any custom field values that are required in the generated Contract Word Document. (OPTIONAL STEP)

Click on Custom Field form on the left navigation menu.

Provide and name, description for the custom field form. Drag and drop required custom fields.

(NOTE: White spaces are not supported in custom field names for generate contract annotations. For example: "Billing Rate" is not supported. The correct field name is: "BillingRate")

 Drag and drop a single line text from right to left section.

The new field will appear like above with label as "New text".

Click on the second icon pointed by the red arrow and it will bring up the Options dialog screen.

Provide Label name without numbers or special characters or white spaces as above and click on Okay button.

Provided Label name should be visible above the custom field text as similar to below.

Add all the required single line text fields that you need following above steps.

Once done, Scroll all the way down and click on Create or Update button to save the custom field form.

(3) Create a Contract Type and attach the Contract Template and Custom Field Form created in step 1 and 2 above.

Click on Contract Types from the left navigation menu and click on create contract type.

Provide Name and description and select the contract template created in step 1 above and custom field form in step 2.

Click on Create/Update.

Verify in Manage Contract Types screen that a record exists with the details of updates that you made above. 

  • No labels