8. Manage Configurations

8. Manage Configurations

Goto Manage Configurations from Logout Menu and then Click on Create New Configuration.

Following account level configurations are supported by CMx.

Configuration Name/KeyConfiguration Description/ValueCMx Behavior

Any valid currency code





Create Contract Screen defaults to the currency code set in this value.

Default Currency in USD


Default Date Format of CMx is US Date Format

For example 04-05-2018

Affected Screens:

Create Contract  (Effective Date, Expiry Date, Milestone Dates)

Update Contract (Effective Date, Expiry Date, Milestone Dates)

Manage Contract (Effective Date and Expiry Date)

Advanced Search (Effective Date and Expiry Date)

Import Data Excel Template (Effective Date and Expiry Date)


This date format sets CMx date format to be in UK format of dd-mm-yyyy

For ex: 21-05-2018

Affected Screens:

Create Contract  (Effective Date, Expiry Date, Milestone Dates)

Update Contract (Effective Date, Expiry Date, Milestone Dates)

Manage Contract (Effective Date and Expiry Date)

Advanced Search (Effective Date and Expiry Date)

Import Data Excel Template (Effective Date and Expiry Date)

cmx.create.display.auto.generatetrueDisplays an "Auto Generate" button which uses the selected type (contract template) and custom field values to generate the contract while creating contract itself in one step.

Any String Value Eg: SQF

CMx reads all key value data from an Excel file with input pattern Example: SQF-Supplier-Form.xlsx that is shared with an external party and makes those external party entered values available as custom fields that can be used for contract document generation.

cmx.office365.enabledtrueUse Office 365 in addition to CMx default live editor
cmx.contract.documenttab.treeviewtrueFor enabling document view in hierarchical tree/nested folder structure view in Create/Edit Contract 
cmx.contract.number.editabletrueMakes contract number editable in edit contract
cmx.contract.template.collabera.editor.enabledtrueLive Editor in Contract Template Page
cmx.default.emailgroupyouremailgroup@yourdomain.comCC email for receiving all electroSigned final signed copies.
cmx.blank.document.optionfalseHiding new blank document option from Generate Contract options
cmx.create.amendmenttrueAdd this option in manage configurations to create quick and easy amendments to existing documents. This feature provides an option to clone any existing documents of contract and then make edits(amends) to them using the Live Editor.

For example : Sysintellects LLC

Preferred ORG Name for emails
cmx.create.contract.hidden.fieldsAny fields on create contract main fields other  than contract title and contract type , comma separated

Example value:


cmx.manage.contract.display.custom.fieldsAny  valid custom field names as comma separated.



Unknown macro: {RoleName}

= lower case role name with no white space

For example if user role name is Admin, the configuration is:



Any of below values:

(1) Dashboard (default without this configuration)


(2) Calendar


(3) Signature


(4) Manage Contracts Default Page

Value =  /manageContracts?target=showContracts

(5) Create Contract Default Page


(6) Manage Requests


(7) Manage Contract Types


(8) Manage Custom Fields


(9) Manage Contract Templates


(10) Manage Contracting Party


(11) Manage Contracting Party Types


(12) Manage Clause Library


(13) Manage Clause Category


(14) Manage Workflow


(15) Import


(16) Import Status


(17) Export


(18) Reports


(19) Audit Trail


(20) Company Profile


(21) Manage Locations


(22) Manage Departments


(23) Manage Groups


(24) Manage Users


(25) Manage Role


(25) Manage Permission Scheme


On login , CMx redirects the user with the role to respective default home page configured as value.
cmx.electrosign.sendsigneddoctrueThis configuration is required to send final signed pdf to one or more recipients in email after signature.

falseDisables the sending of email with final signed pdf after signature.

Format of date in electronic signature tab

MMMM DD, yyyy

Example: April 05, 2020


Example: 31-05-2020

cmx.create.contract.hidden.contract.typesIn create/edit contract page , hide certain contract types so that these are not visible for the user.

Example Configuration Description:

contract type1,contract type 2




cmx.electrosign.default.email.sign.request.subjectChange the subject of ElectroSign default message to all recipients

For Example:

Your Text - ${ContractNumber} ${ContractTitle}

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