2.Import Contracting Party

2.Import Contracting Party

CMx user can import the Contracting Party lists either bulk or single lists that he has access to.

  • User clicks on Import contracts link from Menu and then click on Basic Import
  •  File drop zone area page displays.

  • Drag and drop the excel file into the drop zone area or click on the arrow icon, select the file and open.
  • Only one excel file can be dropped into drop zone on each import. Error displayed to the user If there are more than one excel file dropped.
  • Also, the template of the excel file should be same as in download sample template and otherwise it will result in import error.

NOTE : When importing Contracting Party using metadata excel, keep only Contracting Party sheet in the metadata excel and remove/delete the Contracts sheet.

If this step is not completed, then an error will be displayed in Import pre-validation grid which will prevent the import of contracting parties.

Downloaded Import Sample Template

  • After clicking on Import button on right top of the page a confirmation alert message is displayed and the user can confirm "Start import Job" action button.

  • Once the contracting party list is imported successfully, the user can view the imported list in the Manage Contracting Party Grid.

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